Sunday , 28 April 2024

Promoting literacy: almost 1500 learners taking advantage of the operation « Reflect »

As part of its educational mission consisting providing the most vulnerable population with appropriate education, international NGO Aide et Action (Aid and Action) uses the operation “Reflect” or Regenerated Frerian Literacy through Empowering Community Techniques as a tool for promoting literacy in adult people. “Reflect” was developed by Aide et Action in Madagascar since 2006 through its project named PGSE which stands for Promotion of Governance of the Educational System.

The literacy promotion operation is conducted in 56 training centers located in 24 Communes of the Districts of Ambanja, Antsiranana II, Vohemar, Sambava, Andapa, Vavatenina, Mahabo, Betioky, Beloha, and Tolagnaro, and it has already initiated almost 1500 learners. After teaching the basics for five months, Aide et Action’s officials for educational development along with the support of the local community organize exchange, debate and reading sessions to assess the acquired knowledge. In addition to reading and writing skills, learners also are initiated to send SMS via cell phone, to use calculator and scales.