Monday , 6 May 2024
Lines are newly connected between political spheres opposed to the HAT after a short term black out from former president Zafy. He addressed together with the Ravalomanana sphere and the Monima party the power sharing step within the incoming national unity government. Any involvement into the Beriziky government is deemed to be accompanied by conditions.

Ravalomanana – Zafy: talks recovered between both spheres

The meeting held at the Villa Elizabeth turned into a counterweight to Marc Ravalomanana´s decision to keep away from the crisis settlement process as a response to the violation of the roadmap´s article 20 in the choice of the national unity prime minister. “This meeting´s sake is the recovery of common ground. Our sphere remains just as well disposed as before”, declared Mamy Rakotoarivelo.

The Ravalomanana sphere´s delegation chief does definitely not rule the sphere´s say within the power sharing process out due to his leader´s decision to keep away from the settlement process, and declared about this: “We do keep doors open to talks.”

Our sphere must become an actor within this transitional government and not a simple observer,” insisted Mamy Rakotoarivelo. So reads the diplomatic way to require key positions. The politically exiled figures´ potential come back remains however the main issue on the way to national unity. “The roadmap´s article 20 has been signed. Now is the time to implement it,” emphasized the Ravalomanana sphere´s delegation chief.

“The Ravalomanana sphere will not involve itself in the erection of the Beriziky government,” reacted Marc Ravalomanana earlier. The former president actually turned the correct implementation of the roadmap´s article 20 and the release of political detainees into the condition to his involvement into the crisis settlement process: “Exiled figures must be allowed back home, political prisoners must be released so that they are able to contribute to the transition.” The exiled president casually quoted South Africa´s history of the 1990s as an example.

Marc Ravalomanana has made no secret of his deep skepticism as for a prime minister proposed by the Zafy sphere, though stemming from the Rajoelina sphere´s very hard core, and warned against a pending “manipulation in the rule of the art” likely to “cheat the people”. No one can actually pledge Omer Beriziky´s complete independence from his party, the Leader Fanilo.

He made no secret either of his deception caused by professor Zafy: “He was supposed to represent us – the former presidents –  for being the single one on home soil. But now he is paving the way off his own bat for a prime minister without addressing his presidential peers!” A far more moderate declaration followed suit though: “Professor Zafy is our spokesman. Our trust in him remains strong.”

The meeting between Albert Zafy and Marc Ravalomanana in South Africa will not take place. The professor invited by the troika to explain his tactical movement and report the current stand, turned the invitation down: “The issue is in Madagascar and must be dealt with here.” And then the professor invited the troika to send its own envoy to Antananarivo.

According to Mamy Rakotoarivelo, Albert Zafy talked with Marc Ravalomanana on phone line. The latter approved the former one´s decision to remain on home soil: “Whatever he´d report about today´s situation might no more be the case at his return”