Saturday , 18 May 2024
Further to Fianarantsoa Governor Palace attack and the cancellation of some HCC members' appointment, Ravelomanana moves towards actual crisis issue.

Ravelomanana president : Rather twice than one!

The Administrative Chamber of Madagascar Supreme Court canceled last Wednesday the appointment of 6 HCC members. This appointment announced in doubtful conditions by Didier Ratsiraka, former President few days before the presidential ballot on December 16, was already disputed by several personalities including Marc Ravelomanana. HCC made the Malagasy angry in publishing some results of the Presidential Election without accepting to compare them to the documents gathered by National Committee of Elections and by the candidate Marc Ravelomanana.
This decision is at the origin of the actual political crisis.

This cancellation could be considered by Marc Ravelomanana and all his supporters as a first victory. According to Manandafy Rakotonirina , MFM leader party ” Jacques Sylla, Marc Ravelomanana Prime Minister ‘s government program presentation to the National Assembly end of Mars was a first act of power legalization of the new President ‘s power. Furthermore, Ravelomanana accepted to play the Constitution game and the administration is already in function” . New HCC setting up will allow to go forward on the legality environment.

Marc Ravelomanana’s strategy seems effectively clear. He always refused the violence environment when the Admiral wanted him to go and also the doubtfull compromises proposed by the French officials through AUO. The strategy seemed to have been profitable even these longue weeks of insecurity led some Malagasy to get some doubts about their own ability to get out from this crisis. So, in our articles, Erick Rabeharisoa, from Fanilo Leader declared ” We think that the time is come to request international pressure”

If the President of Special Delegation’s setting up
to the head of the autonomous Fianarantsoa province becomes effective Marc Ravelomanana will mark a new point. The follow-up will be probably the confirmation by the new HCC of Marc Ravelomanana’s power legality, the international acknowledgment, the putting under supervision of the army in total, the removal of the other provinces governors et the raising up of the barriers. Many Malagasy hope that this could happen fast because every day their life is harder and harder.

What about Didier Ratsiraka , the political men who supports him still and the persons who are guilty of criminal acts? Will the new leaders be able to manage their case with the wisdom which has marked their actions until today?