Sunday , 5 May 2024
Three years after the putsch led in 2009, the long term solution to the political crisis still remains a faraway utopia. Professor Raymond Ranjeva has always advocated a truly neutral transition as a condition to reliable elections. He and some national experts are intending to address the issue in the run of a conference to be held on Friday, February 17th, and attempt to settle the Madagascan crisis.

Raymond Ranjeva longing for a neutral transition

The conference will be held at the La Rotonde Hotel in Besarety, in which Raymond Ranjeva suggested a new transition over a year ago. Since the roadmap can possibly not be correctly implemented, and now that any common ground between Marc Ravalomanana and Andry Rajoelina cannot be expected, Raymond Ranjeva, and his colleagues are tackling the quest of another long term settlement as a priority.