Saturday , 4 May 2024
The application time for the Malagasy Reconciliation Council is over. Thirty applications in all have so far been recorded. The concerned officials still wait for other potentially mailed applications to appear at the eleventh hour.

Some thirty candidates expecting to reconcile the Malagasy people

Within the next few days, this new transitional institution will normally be tasked with inducing reconciliation into the Malagasy political tier strongly polarized by this never ending crisis. The job will have to be tackled before the incoming elections. The million dollar question: will this institution’s president and his staff ever succeed in reconciling the main wire pullers in the on going crisis? namely Andry Rajoelina and Marc Ravalomanana – considering that the trend consists in regularly skirting around this particularly burning issue? the development of the situation on the Great Isle actually closely intertwined to the very outcome of this conflict.