Saturday , 4 May 2024
Former president Albert Zafy´s supporters were longing to celebrate the "Place of Democracy"´s third anniversary in Ambohijatovo. No way! They were welcomed by armed soldiers, who broke the rally later on with tear gaz. Albert recalled the following facts: the current leader of the transition turned Ambohijatovo´s garden into the Place of Democracy as he was the capital city´s mayor and emphasized that no authorization would ever be required to conduct rallies inside.

tear gaz in the name of democracy

The garden´s gates remained locked. Professor Zafy contented with leaving a bunch of flowers in front of this gate and addressing the gathered crowd. His supporters were resolving to reach the Place of May 13th when soldiers threw the first grenades. The general Richard Ravalomanana in command of the military squadron argued to have reacted to an “illegaly conducted action” whereas Albert Zafy pointed at this reaction as at an attempt against democracy. The former president added subsequently that it would have only been the start