A makeshift bomb can be defined as a technical explosive device designed for the sake of causing destruction and casualties eventually. Comparable devices have recently gone off in Mogadishu, the capital city of what was once the Somali state. According to police forces’ reports, a couple of explosions of cars stationed in front of the national theater has claimed, as expected, at least nine casualties.
Without any attempt to praise terrorism, the attacks in Mogadishu may rightfully be called a genuine terror attack. A small device failing to burst, or causing less damage than fireworks does not deserve the same title actually. Words like “bomb” and “terrorism” may be introduced, considering that none but the security forces seem terrorized by the events, yet their speech filled with chaos and fear was completely unnecessary, unless fear was supposed to be injected to the others…
Dead duck! The capital city’s inhabitants do not seem much impressed by small bomb noise, and not remotely interested in what uniformed official’s pleas. As an evidence of this matter of fact, the capital city’s central place of Analakely, an alleged potential target to terror attacks, has been remaining as full as before. Teenagers keep on gathering on and roaming across the central place as nothing ever happened… out of lack of prudence or lack of care… it does not matter anymore. One thing can definitely be held for granted: terror has gone down like a lead balloon.
So what about the security forces’ joint command’s speech? It is mainly held as show based on a faked threat expected by security forces to take people’s minds off the genuine security issues, with which they increasingly struggle to cope. Following his superior’s example, Colonel Florens Rakotomahanina produced one of General Richard Ravalomanana’s political speeches to make the situation clear. According to the CIRGN’s number one in Antananarivo, those people previously entitled to an amnesty must have not been relinquished, for they must be the year 2009’s terror attacks’ masterminds. Such a position makes it clear that the security forces, devoted to the transitional leadership from scratch, are emphatically standing against any further amnesty.
According to the police forces, someone had laid a claim for the terror attacks, namely a mysterious activist group serving a certain National Sovereignty Front, which symbolically targeted the French Hotel and cultural center, both located in Analakely, for the sake of denouncing France’s grip on Madagascar’s destiny.
From 2009 on, makeshift explosive devices have been fulfilling a certain political duty. The Colonel Richard Ravalomanana, promoted out of gratitude to the rank of general four years later, meant by that time that the terrorist, who never really ended behind bars, were having 3000 bombs ready to serve. The HAT was pointing at the president ousted by its putsch.
Yet, the putsch maker and his supporters were far from hovering high above every suspicion. Whenever a highly relevant meeting or a deal could not get skirted around, this kind of fictional terror attack popped up to provide some shadow of legitimacy to the stranded ruling power.
Now the trick seems to have lost its efficiency. Crying wolf will not help any longer. Not even France can be expected to shut its embassy’s doors in face of this, as the United States did at the end of the year 2013’s Ramadan
Makeshift explosive devices are basically expected to stir up sensation, even when they don’t go off. The concerned device could eventually have damaged a wall and easily caused some casualties. But does the threat really happen to be as serious as argued by security forces seemingly overwhelmed by the dangerously growing number of security issues? If it wasn’t, accordingly responding to a fictional threat would fortunately not take much on police forces overstretched enough as they are.