Saturday , 18 May 2024
The TGV party addressed the SADC in a letter in which it is asking for international recognition. The party which won Antananarivo´s municipal elections recalled that the power over the whole of Madagascar was his, and that he already made concessions. The demand is not the world´s best one, namely for putting forth the implementation of something that has not yet been agreed

TGV Party: letter to the SADC, the bluff,

The TGV is straining to export its best self made product internationally: the lie. Rajoelina Andry is making a pride of its grip on power. Unilateral step after unilateral step is being carefully described to the SADC: the organization of a referendum, the constitution of a national unity government, without the other spheres but supposed to be complying with the roadmap.   
So, a party which won one municipal election in only one district is actually asking the international community for recognition of its legal right to rule Madagascar. The TGV regime puts its actions which followed the signature of Dr. Simao´s draft, namely the Prime minister’s resignation (Camille Vital), the nomination of a new national unity Prime minister (Camille Vital) and the constitution of a national unity government (with 9 ministers kept in charge).  
“The TGV made a lot of sacrifices when leaving positions to others “, read the statement produced by Roberto Raharoarilala, CST member. Rajoelina´s party argued to have retained two ministers only (Mamy Ratovomalala and Hajo Andrianainarivelo). However, Christine Razanamahasoa and Nadine Ramaroson, are still in charge, among the ministers who previously led the insurgency.  
The three spheres jointly denounced the TGV government´s reshuffle happening to be pledging a large Rajoelina sphere´s majority. The unilateral agreement signed in Ivato only extended the sphere´s tide. The corruption of TIM and Ravalomanana sphere figures is being held as an ace by the HAT.  
The TGV party asks the SADC to support its bid for international recognition. “there is no more possible way back, the Malagasy people is expecting you to realize it” argued the party´s chairwoman Lanto Rakotomavo.. The vice-president of the HAT´s convention called upon ministers to commit for the international recognition in order to pave the way for elections in this year 2011. “With such an opened government, let no one say that the TGV won the elections because it organized everything “, affirm Lanto Rakotomavo.   
The three spheres also have their say on the international scene. The joint Ravalomanana, Ratsiraka and Zafy front keep on denouncing the fake consensus used by the Rajoelina sphere in order to fool the international community again, the opposition  to the HAT is calling upon a conference of sphere leaders to address the issue. Dr. Simao´s draft is only a draft, and the agreements signed in Maputo for the sake of a genuine national unity are not yet history