Saturday , 18 May 2024
The Agreements signed in Maputo by the big four political mobility chiefs to solve the Malagasy political crisis do not enjoy the universal success.

The anti-Maputo are threatening to go down again to the streets


A group of politicians is firmly opposing the political agreements of Maputo. They set up a new coalition called Democracy and Transition Defence Committee or KMDT. The new coalition is gathering some of Marc Ravalomanana’s former opponents who believe that their target has been excessively preserved by the signed agreements. 


As the big four mobilities are ready to join Maputo again in order to go forward in the talks, politicians who have been craving for Marc Ravalomanana’s fall are giving the pitch. 


The KMDT is fundamentally questioning the agreement n°2 which concerns the former president. This agreement is particularly providing protection to Marc Ravalomanana’s family and goods.  


The KMDT went up to threat of a new street demonstration if the former president enjoys such privileges.  


 In clear words, former opponents to Marc Ravalomanana are simply rejecting the principle of reconciliation. The KMDT has besides called upon the army’s backing to this refusal of the Maputo Agreements’ principle.  


At present, the army has limited itself to denounce the Transition’s charter’s article 22 which is planning the appointment of representatives within the Defence and National Security Reflection Committee by every political mobility chiefs. The army believes that such an involvement of mobility chiefs is fundamentally opposed to the armed forces’ independence from politics, as decided at the time of the military assembly organized in order to reunify the army.