Friday , 10 May 2024
The military Council for national defence (CMDN) fears an " attack" on Madagascar. The High Authority of Transition is always on the alert, suspecting the exiled president's return in the country.

The HAT ready for action


As meeting the Prime minister of the Transition government, Monja Roindefo, CMDN’s general Rabarisoa let know that a” threat” hovers on the Great Isle. An attack from outside would not be excluded. An “invasion” would be on its way.  


In the putschist regime’s upper spheres, a possible intrusion of foreign forces in the Great Isle is whispered. The president of the HAT, Andry Rajoelina, also met lately behind closed doors those in charge of security within the government: the defence minister, the interior security minister, the state police secretary, the chief of general headquarters and the state police’s commander in chief.  


A military manoeuvre was besides in preparation to train a fringe of the army to face a possible” attack “. It should stand in a military camp near the Ivato international airport.  


It depends. The tone is in anyway very different in the legalistic camp that supports Marc Ravalomanana’s return to power. If the putschist regime gargles with expression as ” intrusion “, “invasion “, “attack from outside “or” new colonization “or” return of dictatorship “, the legalistic side sticks to the promise of Marc Ravalomanana to come back to the Great Isle and to reclaim the power. 


For the exiled president’s followers, if there’s any “invasion”, it will only be a simple manoeuvre to guarantee the return to constitutional order. The demonstrators who stagnate daily on the Magro place banished all of the regularly used words by the HAT, especially that of “mercenaries”. They only stick to a thing: Marc Ravalomanana’s return in Madagascar to claim his seat of president, by all necessary means.  


After more of three months of pacific demonstration, and after having endured repressions of different natures, the legalistic block now sees the situation differently. Ravalomanana’s return, as the one re-elected for a second mandate by the end 2006, is for them the unique exit from the political crisis.  


For the legalistic block, Marc Ravalomanana has the right to defend himself and the duty to claim his position to finish his mandate in order not to disappoint his voters.