Monday , 29 April 2024
The roadmap´s signing process supposed to restore political appeasement turns out to be a new cause for tension. The HAT issued a new arrest warrant against the president in exile Marc Ravalomanana. An interpretation of the roadmap´s article 20 is used by Andry Rajoelina to defend the gains of the year 2009´s putsch.

The HAT wants to arrest Marc Ravalomanana: the Emmo Reg in South Africa???

The HAT´s justice minister was quick to resume the offensive in order to make sure that the president reversed in 2009 never recovers his home country. An arrest warrant against Marc Ravalomanana has been turned out by the attorney general on September 17th, 2011, on the very day of the signing of the document expected to settle the crisis. So was revealed by the members of the Ravalomanana sphere. 

Me Hanitra Razafimanantsoa, the exiled president´s lawyer and sphere member is holding this warrant as a simple violation of the roadmap. “we signed the roadmap for the sake of settling the crisis, we thought that the others would be emulating” she declared. Then she challenged the issued warrant´s legitimacy. “The court which judged president Ravalomanana was not entitled to do so… the justice is not independent for being directed by one minister appointed on the public place of May 13th “, pleaded the lawyer. 

 Mrs. Razafimanantsoa referred to the roadmap´s article 18 according to which politically motivated charges have to be dropped. In the same way, the explanation of the article 20 concerning the unconditional right to return for politically exiled figures and the sovereignty of Madagascar´s judicial system do not mean that president Ravalomanana has to be arrested. 

Mamy Rakotoarivelo, chief of the Ravalomanana sphere´s delegation, made his „indignation ” public, labeling the warrant as ” an act jeopardizing the appeasement”. The opposition to president Ravalomanana´s presence at the signing ceremony was equally attacked the same way. “These are no provocation no more, the HAT is namely declaring war for issuing such bullshits in the run of political negotiations “, he passionately declared    

The HAT charges thereupon Marc Ravalomanana anew for embezzlement related to the purchase of the presidential plane, and for the case February 07th, and called upon the state police to do its office: capture Marc Ravalomanana 

The general Richard Ravalomanana, the leader of the forces in charge of mastering opponents, announced the preparation of the consignment of 5 policemen and 5 state policemen in South Africa. “These polices forces won’t need any visa because we are in the SADC”, he declared as if there were any mile of common borders. “the SADC won’t be concerned by the arrest due to bilateral cooperation between Madagascar and South Africa”, he added as if there were any shadow of extradition treaty between both countries. The Emmo Reg seemingly has a longer arm than Interpol, hasn´t it? 

Andry Rajoelina didn’t forget to greet the armed forces which propelled him on top, and now oppose to the return of the president reversed in 2009 by every possible mean. “Let the Police and Armed Forces be praised for having proved that Madagascar´s sovereignty is no hollow word” he declared in a speech to the empty and hollow nation after the signings of the waybill and the… warrant against Marc Ravalomanana.