Friday , 10 May 2024
Toamasina’s population is against the imposition of Mario Rakotovao as the commune’s new SDP. The HAT is losing its mind by enforcing such a thing.

Toamasina: leaflets messages of which challenging Mario Rakotovao as new SDP are spreading

Shortly after Camille Vital, the HAT prime Minister, had announced the appointment of Mario Rakotovao as Special Delegation’s President for Toamasina city, leaflets challenging the unilateral act found their way through the streets. These leaflets are meant to be warnings for the current leaders, civilians or militaries. According to the message, no official must be imposed that way prior to consultation with people closely involved in the commune’s management: “Toamasina’s urban commune is no dump, we don’t want any of these pariahs dejected by this government”, read one of these leaflets’ lines. The message also addressed the communal civil servants’ pending demonstration to be held on the official appointment’s day. Troubles during the independence’s 50th anniversary are to be feared. The message ended with a deep word reading as following: “Toamasina tsy tany malemy hanorenam-pangady” (Toamasina is no scape goat).

Some voices are even daring to say that Mario Rakotovao is intending to make a clean sweep on the city hall’s money, for having previously been “scolded” in relation with the Rhodes oil plants case when being in charge of the environment department by the authorities. The alleged incentive? The HAT is looking for funds to finance its elections. Toamasina’s urban commune is actually famed for being a substantial treasure island.

Mickaelys (Toamasina)