Monday , 6 May 2024
Something is going wrong in Toamasina’s urban commune

Toamasina’s commune: employees are preparing their strike

The duty assignation process within Toamasina’s urban commune has been changing since Monday, July 19th. Temporary workers have all been suspended. No more wandering messengers throughout the commune’s building’s corridors. Even the reception personal has been replaced with the Special Delegation’s President’s bodyguard. The current leadership is certainly holding this as part of the development process for Toamasina city. Officials with higher responsibilities have equally been as upset as the general secretary was, as the former mayor’s fourth deputy mayor took over from him. The other department chiefs, including the police department’s chief, are allowed to have concerns about their position. Whatever official famed for having been close to the former mayor got a share of this fate: constant dismissal threats. In the end, the communes’ staff noticed the current ruling authority’s deviating behaviour, and consequently planned a strike as a response to such an illegal attack. The strike is to be expected before long, according to some sources. Rakotovao Mariot Florent, Toamasina’s SPD, has uttered no  comment about this issue