Wednesday , 8 May 2024
The electoral period has not yet come to an end, although the HAT´s electoral commission published the process´s results. The High Constitutional Court will have to emulate the CENI in reviewing the ballots and consequently declare the Rajoelina constitution´s victory. This is, however, no guarantee of international recognition, even if the HAT is making its first ever electoral showdown a point break.

Uncertain international recognition despite the CENI´s performance




The latest SADC mission in Madagascar denied recognition by the end of November to the referendum unilaterally organized by the Rajoelina sphere and its government.  Diplomatically speaking, Dr. Simao and his staff conceded that the solution is to be a still expected election. So do the SADC and the rest of the international community. The stumbling block is the military putsch originated regime´s refusal to make way to a democratic consensual and inclusive transition.

The international community members, apart from France, the HAT´s unofficial ally, have long made clear that only fully democratic elections would be globally accepted. Repression of opponents, illegal law manipulations and widespread boycott turned November 17th´s referendum into everything but a fully democratic process

The CENI´s president produced good looking figures during the results´publication. The electoral registers´related issued would merely concern 0.6% of voters, only 3612 votes would have been cancelled and 37 polling stations could not deliver results.

Then he replied to the growing groan declaring:“It is easier to criticize than to create and act”. Hery Rakotomanana systematically recalls extenuating circumstances: “the CENI managed the process´organization in spite of the lack of time, and although the electoral register was not its primary task”.

“The CENI is bound to display evidences of improvement during the organization of the next free, fair and transparent elections”, stated Hery Rakotomanana, hinting that he would enhance the process´s transparency and  speed noticed in the run out of this referendum

“Genuine changes have been induced. The State is no more the one organizing the elections, the CENI now is. We are congratulating citizens for their massive votes as an evidence of patriotism” declared Hery Rakotomanana.

Mission accomplished for the CENI, with an artificial score of 52% of participation rate at the HAT´s unilateral referendum supposed to legalize Andry Rajoelina´s dictatorial regime. Now the High Constitutional Court is being expected to validate the victory. Although, the SADC has long expressed its point about the masquerade, international recognition is everything but a done deal