Thursday , 16 May 2024
All political parties and associations which support the return of Marc Ravalomanana to power gathered in a new alliance that rebukes the resort to violence.

A new legalistic alliance condemns the resort to violence

Different groups as the TIM, the MFM, the Teza, the MCDM, the AMF 3FM, and some associations to quote the GTT only, the pool of the legalistic women etc formalized a new “legalistic” alliance which militates for the return of the exiled president Marc Ravalomanana to power.

The new alliance definitely announced that it condemns all resort to violence to achieve the goal of the three months long legalistic demonstration. In clear words, it is a mean for the legalistic side to deny the involvement of Marc Ravalomanana’s supporters in bomb attempts for which some movement leaders have yet been convened very lately by the state police.

The new alliance would also constitute a mean to avoid “infiltrations” within the movement. The isolated entities would be besides banned. The alliance that regroups these political parties and legalistic associations” is keen on all adult initiatives being taken in a collegial way. It is a mean for the leaders of the movement to avoid the isolated acts that could harm the reputation of Marc Ravalomanana’s supporters.

The new alliance has been presented at the end of a meeting in the legalistic HQ on June 30th. An opportunity for the political pro-Ravalomanana formations to seal a new solidarity.