Saturday , 18 May 2024
Les manifestants pro-Ravalomanana sont de nouveau en grand nombre sur la place dite de la légalité à Ankorondrano depuis quelques jours. Un nouveau cycle de revendication commence.

The legalistic party on a new frontline

The pro-Ravalomanana demonstrators have been back again in large number on the Legality Square in Ankorondrano since few days. A new cycle of demands begins. 

The Magro square, lately baptized “Legality” Square, got totally overcrowded on these latest days. The mobilization of the exiled president’s partisans has been a straightforward success since the beginning of week because of the failure of the second leg of the Maputo Summit. 


During the last three days, the “legalistic crowd” has been reviving its usual creed claimed since this year’s month of March: the refusal of the putsch and the longing for a return to constitutional order.   


On several occasions, the attitude of the mobility Andry Rajoelina, keen on monopolizing the jobs of the Transition’s president and Prime minister has been rebuked by the animators. It is actually the main blocking factor in the implementation of the Transition’s Charter, signed in Maputo on latest August 9th.  


The movement is likely to radicalize. Its leaders are putting forward the possibility of a general strike again.  


Some animators are even intending to make a tour through some tax free enterprises in order to sensitize the employees on the consequences of the High Authority of Transition’s radical stand. The tax free enterprises’ workers, concerned by the AGOA commercial agreement with the United States, are specially targeted. They will be indeed some 50.000 to lose their job if Madagascar is dropped from the agreement.