Saturday , 18 May 2024
On behalf of the respect of non-violence, the exiled president's mobility is coming back to the legality square, in Ankorondrano, where the gatherings are probably going to resume calling upon a return to constitutional order.

Mobility Marc Ravalomanana: the come back to the legality square

The city dwellers predicted likely confrontations between civilians in the capital city center. A call to a mobilization has actually been launched very recently to step up pressure on the High Authority of Transition. In the end, a Committee for Defence of Democracy and Transition (KMDT) called the partisans of Andry Rajoelina to “protect the place of May 13th”, a pending situation which could clear up to a set of confusion. 


In order to avoid new clashes, the partisans of Marc Ravalomanana preferred to return on the Magro square, baptized legality for the sake of their usual gathering. “According to the Malagasy mindset, strength cannot annihilate the spirit. We are going to carry on our fight peacefully and in respect of the general interest. We didn’t get the authorization to occupy the place of democracy, so we mustn’t break lines and, by so doing, provide the opportunity to looters to damage public property and reject the responsibility on the Ravalomanana Mobility”, specified a statement. 


As the pro-HAT soldiers and Rajoelina’s supporters were waiting for them in Analakely, on the historic place of May 13th, on this Saturday September 19th, the exiled president’s partisans preferred to pull back. “It is no capitulation” replied the statement, adding up that the “unrest won’t lead us to any solution”. 


The latest days have been effectively marked by a certain mobilization of the pro-HAT as political tension is remaining high. The partisans of the Andry Rajoelina and Monja Roindefo made Transition, are fiercely defending a new government “unilaterally put in place” according to the qualification from the international community and from the other political mobilities, a government erected at the very expenses the agreements signed by the Andry Rajoelina, Marc Ravalomanana, Didier Ratsiraka and Albert Zafy mobilities in Maputo by the latest August 9th.