Saturday , 18 May 2024
The projected meeting between the four political mobility leaders, initially announced by public press, has finally been cancelled.

The Paris meeting between mobility chiefs cancelled

Marc Ravalomanana, Didier Ratsiraka, Albert Zafy and Andry Rajoelina won’t meet in Paris as previously announced by the Malagasy national radio station. The four of the political mobility leaders are, although, seemingly getting ready for a meeting on top within the next few days. 


The meeting between the four signatories of the Maputo agreements will be capitalizing the International Contact Group’s meeting in Antananarivo back on latest October 6th. The Transition’s presidential nominee will be the meeting’s particular central issue, last cause for division for the different parts. 


The Marc Ravalomanana mobility specially believes that such kind of decision definitely requires the presence of all mobility leaders. In a letter addressed to the president of the African Commission, Jean Ping, the president in exile, Marc Ravalomanana reiterated that his mobility “expressly and emphatically requires the decision to be taken in presence of all mobility leaders as it has been during Maputo I as well as during Maputo II.” 


As addressing again his supporters gathered on” the Place of Legality” on October 10th, Marc Ravalomanana confirmed his refusal to admit the appointment of “the putsch maker” as president.  


The final decision must be taken at a summit involving the four mobility leaders, according to Marc Ravalomanana. On Monday October 12th, the Fahazavàna radio, the FJKM reformed church’s station, rather close to Marc Ravalomanana, has affirmed anew that the summit between the four men could be held from next October 17th to the 19th in a city to be defined soon.