Friday , 17 May 2024
A fifth political mobility named "patriotic mobility" is born. The founders called upon Prime minister Monja Roindefo to become the mobility's spokesman.

Monja Roindefo mobility: A shot in the dark


Eight political formations with no national cover are making the fifth mobility up. It is definitely the mobility made by Monja Roindefo, outgoing Prime Minister, in spite of the founders’ denials. 


The fifth mobility’s founding parties are, among others, Pierre Andrianantenaina’s Farimbona, Monja Roindefo’s Monima, the Kmdd, the VITM and the Mavana.  


“Monja Roindefo did not apply for anything, we did insist to have him as the mobility’s spokesman”, affirmed Pierre Andrinanantenaina. The latter believes that the mobility is entitled to participate into negotiations, and to the resolution of the Malagasy crisis, international mediators, however, do not. 


“It is too late to create a mobility and enter the play; we work with the four official mobilities” replied African Union’s Ablassé Ouedraogo to the potential creation of new political mobilities eager to integrate the process of negotiation. 


Andry Rajoelina’s partisans are considering new mobility creations as just a will to be granted positions in the Transition’s institutions.  


The creation of the “fifth mobility” is, anyhow, the reflection of the definitive implosion of the Andry Rajoelina mobility. For many, it has happened to be impossible to accept the dismissal of Rajoelina’s faithful lieutenant during the hottest moments of the political crisis.