Sunday , 19 May 2024
The former president Didier Ratsiraka apologized in the name of the Malagasy people to the international mediation team following an incident occurred during a plenary session.

Addis-Ababa summit: Didier Ratsiraka’s apologies in the name of the Malagasy people

Andry Rajoelina slammed the door, but negotiations do not stop there. The plenary session of November 5th ended at around 01:00 am, on a clash. And Andry Rajoelina sneaked out of from the meeting room.  


Because of this incident, Didier Ratsiraka apologized to the mediation team. Albert Zafy qualifies Rajoelina’s behavior as a “shame”. And Marc Ravalomanana evoked certain “rudeness”.  


The delegation members’ trip back to Madagascar was basically planned for the afternoon of November 6th; however, the Addis Ababa round is not yet over. Three days proved not enough to find common ground. The extra time of November 6th will be exploited to keep trying. In the same time, the international community is already waving the forecasted sanctions in case of failure to reach a consensus from and between the mobility leaders . 


Back in Madagascar, the partisans of the High Authority of the Transition are inviting Andry Rajoelina to leave the negotiation table. They want a Transition without the other political mobilities which would not be ready to accept Andry Rajoelina’s presidency.