Thursday , 16 May 2024
Since the latest days, Antananarivo's city council has been being engulfed in a tricky skull session to rid the capital city of its wandering merchants. Hurdles, however, prove to be legions.

The capital city’s authorities wedging war against wandering merchants

The post crisis climate in Antananarivo can be described by complete anarchy in the city streets. The wandering traders are often the undisputed rulers of the sidewalk. If ever driven away from a location, they simply settle somewhere else 


Since several months, the local authorities have been resenting the noise caused by illegal merchants in front of the hospital of Befelatanana. Some drastic measures had to be taken in order to expel them, at least from Befelatanana. 


After some weeks of hesitation, Antananarivo’s town hall finally decided to tackle the issue. The president of Antananarivo’s Special Delegation, Edgard Razafindravaha, wanted to display some will to refresh the capital city center’s face. When the town police came to drive merchants away from Befelatanana, the operation led to clashes. Some merchants did not hesitate to retaliate by throwing stones at policemen. An agent has even been stabbed in the arm. 


Arrests followed suit. Two wandering merchants have been investigated, and then held in custody. The local authorities did visibly not expect the wandering merchants issue to turn into such drama. But in the end, a decision had to be taken, after several months of slackening.