Thursday , 2 May 2024
As the three Malagasy political mobilities' delegations are blocked in South Africa, international mediators are planning a meeting in the Malagasy capital city for December 17th.

An International Contact Group’s meeting to be held in Antananarivo

The move is, until now, being confirmed. The African Union’s Commission even addressed an invitation to all of the political mobility leaders, namely Andry Rajoelina, Didier Ratsiraka, Albert Zafy and Marc Ravalomanana., as if they do ignore that three of them are in forced exiled, banned from entry on Madagascan soil. 


Andry Rajoelina and his collaborators have, for some days, been displaying a firm will to put draw the “consensual and inclusive transitional game play” to an end. They are craving for heading straight to elections without being compelled to rule together with the other three mobilities. The Rajoelina team is progressively, although prematurely, moving towards the ending of the Maputo and Addis Ababa agreements’ implementation processes. The transitional president would already be looking for a new Prime minister to impose. 


The ideal climate of an ICG meeting is visibly not in for it. The members of the International Contact Group will meet no difficulty at all on their way to Antananarivo. The other political mobilities’ members cannot yet hold the same granted for themselves. And on the other hand, Andry Rajoelina is no more eager to discuss of any Maputo process.