Thursday , 2 May 2024
All military and national police leaders and main officials in charge have been convened by Colonel Camille Vital, the new chief of government laid by the High Authority of Transition.

The new Prime minister of the HAT convenes the military leaders

A meeting of military leaders and the police’s responsible officials took place in the international conference center in Ivato on Monday December 28th, 2009. The session has been directed by the new Prime minister appointed by the High Authority of Transition, Colonel Camille Vital.  


The mainly addressed topics were public security and discipline within the security forces’ ranks. A meeting served once again as an opportunity for Andry Rajoelina’s led transitional regime to demonstrate that it has the armed forces’ support. The dearly displayed message was the army’s unity behind Andry Rajoelina and his new Prime minister. 


The meeting held in Ivato took place almost at the same time as a mobilization attempt in the ranks of the non-commissioned officers disappointed by this transitional regime. A mutiny attempt has been dismantled by the security forces supportive of the High Authority of Transition on December 28th.  


The Malagasy army’s unity mask is increasingly fragile. Actually, the gap happens to be far deeper than expected. However, pacifism keeps on prevailing, for the time being, in the ranks of men in military lattice.