Friday , 17 May 2024
Since the latest days, the Co President of the late Transition, Fetison Andrianirina, has been researched by security forces loyal to the HAT. Politically based indictement is being evoked.

Fetison Andrianirina denouncing the political harassment


One more figure close to the ousted president, Marc Ravalomanana, is on the run again. Police forces loyal to the High Authority of Transition, are on Fetison Andrianirina’s heels. The victim has yet refused to surrender. Few days ago, the issue of warrant against him triggered the police forces’ manhunt. 

The signature of the additional agreement in Addis-Abeba made Fetison Andrianirina the Transition’s new Co President. Andry Rajoelina’s decision to thwart the implementation of the Maputo and Addis Ababa agreements’ process has drawn a red line between him and Marc Ravalomanana’s supporters, naturally granted the most incomfortable side, and cast aside from the transitional period’s management. 

Fetison Andrianirina desperately militated for the resumption of negotiations, and for reconciliation between the different political mobilities bound by the signature of agreements. Andry Rajoelina and his siblings, somehow, have it a different way. The national unity Prime Minister, Eugene Mangalaza, has been fired ever since. The law of the jungle has the upperhand again. 

In this run of events, Fetison Andrianirina was to be ordered to appear in court. The warrant was issued shortly after. He is currently indicted on charges related to the makeshift explosing devices case which more or less shook the Malagasy political environment in 2009. Fetison Andrianirina has always been denying any involvement in those stories rather more fantastic than anything else. Some makeshift explosing devices would have been scouted in time throughout the capital city, all of them failing to blast. The HAT immediately accused the Marc Ravalomanana’s supporters