Saturday , 11 May 2024
In the opening speech of the national meeting organized by the High Authority of Transition, Andry Rajoelina confirmed his reluctance to join Addis-Ababa on the international mediators' bidding on March 08th and 10th in the run of the Malagasy crisis' settlement.

Andry Rajoelina won’t go to Addis-Ababa

By the beginning of the week, the new HAT vice Prime minister in charge of the foreign office, Hyppolite Ramaroson, let it be known that the HAT leader has no reason for joining the Ethiopian capital city.
From the international requirement’s very day, Rajoelina’s supporters successively deterred him from joining Addis-Ababa. The HAT rather keeps on with its national debate supposed to settle the political crisis on March 4th and 5th in the international conference of Ivato.
The three other political mobilities signatory of the Maputo deals clearly displayed their will to take part in the Addis-Ababa round. The African Union’s Commission of the union African, however, made it clear that the round would be cancelled by any of the mobility leaders’ failure to appear. It is the case today. Rajoelina solemnly said no. One more time, the young putsch maker is skirting around a mediator led round of talks.