Tuesday , 14 May 2024
International sanctions are not yet a cause for deviation from his political path for the transitional leader. Andry Rajoelina emphasized that he will resist. At the time of a tour in Madagascar's south eastern region, he confirmed that since he is being banned from travelling abroad, he will remain in Madagascar as most Madagascans do.

Andry Rajoelina: “I will remain here with you”




“How many of you has ever had the possibility to board a plane and visit America, France or Africa, no matter the sanctions, I will remain here with you” declared Andry Rajoelina to the crowd in Manakara. 


The leader of the High Authority of Transition displayed his will to resist international pressure. We might not have to wonder, this time around, whether he would at least begin to endorse his choice or not. His Prime minister, Camille Vital, confirmed few days earlier, that the Maputo and Addis Ababa agreements were history for good. 


In the opposite corner, the opposing political mobilities are finding hard to punch as they should. Demonstrations are being repressed again. An for the time being, the security forces are looking well united to the putsch making authorities, in spite of the armed forces’ pending division