Friday , 17 May 2024
Ny Hasina Andriamanjato was the first member of the Camille Vital government to leave the ship. The present bogged down situation might draw some of his former colleagues to follow suit.

Government: Hemorrhage risks


Some of the High Authority of Transition’s ministers would allegedly be already preparing their take off. They would seriously be concerned by the current political dead end which could eventually be fatal to the putsch originated government. 

The African Union led sanctions’ psychological impact on the government members has actually not been reckoned with. These sanctions would have equally made Camille Vital’s erection of a new government significantly more complicated than basically planned. 

For the time being, Gilbert Raharizatovo, HAT minister of culture and founder of the new RPM party, has been the single one to have dared the endorsement of the HAT family’s black sheep suit. The stand is being considered by some observers as the foregone conclusion to the big escape. Raharizatovo actually suggested the recovery of the negotiation option. The putsch originated authorities’ official response to the African Union’s sanctions has, so far, been series of arrests and jail sentences.