Saturday , 18 May 2024
The Malagasy political crisis is getting bogged down once again. The leader of the High Authority of Transition, Andry Rajoelina, can rely on nothing else but the armed forces to remain on top, for lack of international recognition.

Crisis settlement: When stubbornness is having the upper hand

The young putsch maker was supposed to produce a “statement” when landing on following the failure of the Pretorian stage. The “statement” finally restricted to a simple press conference concentrated on the political mobilities’ meeting in  South Africa. 

Andry Rajoelina is intending to grant ministerial control to militaries. The wink is naturally directed at those who boosted his rise on top of Madagascar’s power, at the expense of the general reluctance from the political class as well as from the population. 

The integration of high ranked officers within the government will not settle the nation’s problems. “Even the militaries who once supported Andry Rajoelina are progressively leaving him down” argued a colonel supportive of the opposition. “The involvement of soldiers within the government will pledge no international recognition” he concluded. 

The rebellious but currently army leaders have been learning to put up a lower profile during the latest months while noticing that even the High Authority of Transition is finding it hard to have to make for Pretoria for the sake of negotiating a crisis settlement. But now, stubbornness is having the upper hand again. Andry Rajoelina is finding it hard to confess that “hisTransition” is in a dead end.