Thursday , 13 June 2024
The leader of the High Authority of Transition met some party leaders in order to address the setting up of a new government. Following his invitation to get into his "unity" government addressed to the armed forces, now is the political allies' turn.

Andry Rajoelina trying to mobilize political parties anew


Skepticism is, however, definitely denting hearts and minds within the political as well as the military class. Andry Rajoelina is dangerously running short of allies in his lone ride. His aspiration remains the same one: finish the transition off without the other mobilities’ consent for lack of consensus. 

A meeting between the transitional leader and some political party leaders, as Roland Ratsiraka, as well as various others who used to support Rajoelina in 2009, took place on May 6th. Andry Rajoelina intends to put his government in place as early as possible, but it might not be as unilaterally easy as it seemed. 

A significant part of the armed forces still refuses to be in, an even larger part of the political class is increasingly convinced that the situation is unbearable, and that the young putsch maker is missing the occasion to listen to his opponents.