Tuesday , 14 May 2024
Political parties are increasingly standing against November 17th's constitutional referendum, in the run of the various street demonstrations

November 17th’s referendum increasingly challenged


The opposition’s three political spheres, technically bound to Andry Rajoelina by the year 2009’s Maputo and Addis Ababa agreements, are no more isolated in their claim for the referendum’s cancellation

Pierrot Rajaonarivelo’s MDM party freshly stated that neither referendum nor any other kind of popular vote are, for the time being, not suitable to the political situation, not to the liking of the transitional leader’s fan club, which replies that the Pierrot Rajaonarivelo’s party is an opportunist one. It is in when the transition’s decision are going its way. Rajoelina’s supporters are consequently labelling Pierrot Rajaonarivelo as a “chameleon”.