Wednesday , 1 May 2024
The appointment of transitional parliament members is currently become a cause for disputes between the HAT`s allies who signed up to the Ivato deal.

Disputes concerning the appointment transitional parliament members



Political parties are now requiring Jean Lahiniriko, Ramasy Adolphe and Benjamina Ramanantsoa to step down. These collaborators of Andry Rajoelina are actually being suspected of having altered the list of parliament members appointed by the High Authority of Transition`s leader.

Some of these alterations would have even been a matter of including relatives in the list. The transitional top leadership restricted to stating that Rajoelina merely appointed the names reported by the list.

The signatories of this famous but baseless political deal in Ivato, some 100 mostly anonymous parties, are now pissed off, as a matter of fact. The deal itself might be threatened