Sunday , 5 May 2024
The High Authority of Transition’s leader had to recover the front stage to boost the dull one month old referendum related campaign

Andry Rajoelina campaigning

By the week end, Andry Rajoelina incited the Malagasy to join polling stations on November 17th  and took the opportunity to present his projects in quality of potential presidential candidate.

The transitional leader promised some 10,000 new homes to be dedicated to youths, a new cement factory, new hospitals and sport facilities, the completion of Antananarivo`s tram project and an Airbus oriented renewal of the Air Madagascar airliner`s fleet.

His political adversaries are casting no more doubts about it: Andry Rajoelina is campaigning for the presidential race. Nothing is opposing his candidacy according to the HAT standards, but the opposition does not intend to make his life easy. The fight for power in Madagascar is openned