Thursday , 2 May 2024
The opposition`s political spheres will not be entitled to use the MALACAM stadium. They recently succeeded in gathering a huge crowd displeased with the High Authority of Transition.

The authorization to meet, gather and demonstrate inside the MALACAM stadium denied to the opposition by the police services` le

The police services rejected the opposition`s demand when noticing that there was no senders`addresses, a ridiculous motive according to opponents compelled to make do with the tight MAGRO square in Behoririka.

According to some of Andry Rajoelina`s collaborators, the opposition`s political spheres refreshed by their first gathering in the MALACAM stadium, would have allegedly intended to launch a putsch.

Now being deprived of authorization, the opposition will have to alter its strategy. The closer November 17th is, the higher tensions are rising