Saturday , 4 May 2024
Leonardo Simao, the SADC´s mediator has recovered Antananarivo in order to reach a solution in the Malagasy crisis. Two years after the beginning of the conflict between Marc Ravalomanana and Andry Rajoelina, the international mediation is keen on settling the bogged down situation that has been being engulfing the Great Isle

The African Union willing to draw the Malagasy crisis to an end.

Leonardo Simao is bound to stay during a whole month in Madagascar. It is the longest ever mediation member´s stay in the country

A SADC empowered by the African Union and supported by the international community  in the run out of the settlement of the Malagasy crisis, will be straining to reach a new poyer sharing deal. The opposition represented by the union of the nationin´s former presidents´ political spheres are expecting nothing less than “inclusiveness” and “consensus” in a new transition.

Everyone is agreeing on the idea of a national unity government, but merely the power sharing scheme is the center of the main issue. The next great division bell is Marc Ravalomanana ´s return, and furthermore his potential participation in the presidential race, definitely the greatest danger for Andry Rajoelina.