Sunday , 5 May 2024
A certain number of members of the civil society are openly displaying their skepticism towards the roadmap´s draft supposed by some to lead to the settlement of the crisis.

The roadmap as a cause for skepticism within the civil society

André Rasolo, a famed academic in Antananarivo, was part of the first ones who expressed their point. He does not hold the present situation to be in any way pledging a settlement to the bogged down relations since 2009. André Rasolo even thinks that the solution is now far more complicated than ever. 

The Malagasy civil society´s skepticism is stemming from the fact that a relevant part of the Malagasy political class, namely the opposition embodied by the three former presidents’ parties, is not buying the roadmap in its present shape. 

The controversy is definitely a cause for concerns. The SADC´s mediator, Leonardo Simao hinted that the draft would stay the way it is although additional proposals would not be turned down