Sunday , 5 May 2024
Seven names of potential transitional Prime Minister have been proposed to Andry Rajoelina following the issue of the roadmap draft supposed to lead the country out of from the crisis

Andry Rajoelina on the verge of appointing a Prime Minister deemed to be everything but consensual

The outgoing government chief, Camille Vital, is on top of the chart, for having been chosen by most of the political groupings

The opposition´s three spheres lead by Madagascar´s former presidents is not taking part to this unilateral process, hence the lack of consensus.

The consensus is actually requiring all of the negotiating parts to come to some common ground concerning the erection of all transitional institutions. Only parties allied to the Rajoelina sphere, including swaying figures who finally swapped side, are now being implementing a roadmap draft expressively rejected by everyone else. Such a situation can only lead to a deadlock.