Saturday , 18 May 2024
The imposed authority believes the SADC amended roadmap´s signature to be nothing no more but a formality and even announces it to be completed instead of the mediators. The Ravalomanana sphere does not play this way and denies any occured signature. Fetison Andrianirina recalls the stages of the political settlement process, as well as his will to keep away from a consensual transition´s power.

Signature of the roadmap: cautiousness for the Ravalomanana sphere

The Ravalaomanana sphere is protesting loud in face of the HAT´s attempt to alter the SADC amended roadmap. The French ideas integrated by Leonardo Simao in the first roadmap which grant absolute power to Andry Rajoelina are still there, but the exiled figures´s come back, namely Marc Ravalomanana, is definitely frightens the imposed authority. And while Andry Rajoelina remains in France, though having arguably been granted an entry visa for the… United States, the HAT announces that the roadmap´s signature in the first week of August 2011.   
“The crisis´settlement process will keep going on, even if the three spheres do not sign” warned the HAT´s communication department. The OIF would be bound to support the organization of elections, whether unilateral or not, and to guarantee a partial international legitimacy. The internal clashes caused by the latest rose wood case inspired division within the Rajoelina sphere. The UDR-TGV hard liners is keen on putting the foot down whereas the 6 other forces policies which signed a republican pact are rather pushing for a real political solution.   
“The HAT is not the SADC´s official representative of the SADC. We are waiting for a communiqué from the SADC before enacting a signature ” answered Mamy Rakotoarivelo. The Ravalomanana sphere´s delegation chief recalled tha t” the PSC´s meeting (the African Union´s Peace and Security Council) says that the chiefs-of-state´s decision taken Sandton had to be respected”. He insists on the fact that the process had to be triggered by a meeting of the ICG (international Contact Group for Madagascar). “What is the hurry, if nothing is pledging any long term settlement of the crisis “, he concluded.   
The Fetison enigma    
Fetison Andrianirina emphasizes the PSC´s position ignored on purpose by the HAT. “We need to bring changes to the transitional structure and the exiled figures must be allowed to go back to the country “, he insisted. The HAT´s former political prisoner believes that the amended roadmap is a solution, and that the Malagasy are the ones supposed to implement it; the 11 political entities, the 8 ones which signed the basic roadmap and the 3 spheres which didn´t, must all contribute to the consensual transition.   
According to Fetison Andrianirina, one first stage is over: “everybody accepted the decisions of Sandton “. The next one has not yet been tackled, namely the talks deemed to  decide about the concerted roadmap´s implementation. “These are no new negotiations, but the logical continuation of what has been done so far “, specified Fetison Andrianirina. The third stage will be the signature of the agreement. “Longer waiting is no more possible because the people is suffering, and because the ruling power´s limits have long been overtaken”.   
Fetison Andrianirina is keen on keeping away from the consensual transition deemed to pave the way for elections. This decision is according to him being motivated by the need to keep away from the power circle in order to settle the crisis. The Ravalomanana sphere´s man may not be part of the transition but actively contributes to the crisis´ settlement. Is that a pull back for the sake of a better jump? Potential candidates of an incoming election will definitely have to resign . Keeping away from a regime which has been drowning Madagascar since 2009 is not the world´s worst idea ever.