Tuesday , 14 May 2024
The meeting between the political parties which signed up to the basic roadmap did not produce the expected effect. Andry Rajoelina failed from convincing his supposed allies increasingly moving away from the HAT´s hardliners, namely from the TGV-UDR duet. The imposed authority´s leader is for the meantime missing support for his intended corruption of the political crisis´ settlement through controlled elections.

Electoral “enforcement”: Andry Rajoelina disowned

The HAT did push for it though. The electoral bill patched up by the Vital government in order to win the regional and local elections was passed. The HAT´s electoral commission of the HAT confirmed to be able to organize elections, be it in 2011. Andry Rajoelina received from Abdou Diouf Abdou the magic software turning out the international community´s legitimacy for any elections. The allied parties merely had to decide about the elections´ date. 

The technical arguments proved not enough as an ersatz for the political settlement. Rajoelina Andry did not easily get away with his double game consisting in imposing his way while pretendint to follow the SADC´s recommendations. The HAT´s chief announced by the beginning of August 2011 from Paris in the run of his medically motivated holiday time the signature of the roadmap. The authority engaged then a race against the clock in order to decide everything concerning the elections, and even did so long before this signature. 

Speaking in the name of his political group, Pety Rakotoniaina disagreed. “Either we are with the international community and implement the roadmap its way, or we organize the elections by ourselves without its agreement, but we can´t do both all the way. The elections are to be addressed once the roadmap is correctly implemented” he declared. 

The TGV party is highly dreading a roadmap deemed to put all parties on a same equal footing. Elections kept under control would therefore be the single suitable political solution to keep the power. The Rajoelina constitution is being considered as the single necessary roadmap as the crisis´ settlement, as insured by one of the illegal presidential party´s officials. 

The TGV accuses the others, including his own allies, of straining to save time for lack of candidate with realistic chances. The former DJ´s party certainly doesn’t have elected figure either, as a mayor of Madagascar ruling the country is simply nonsense, but it doesn’t lack candidates though.   

The Raiamandreny Mijoro, the HAT´s praised and favorite mediators, are equally recommending compliance with crisis settlement patterns recognized by the international community. “The signature of the roadmap is not going to take a year, it will soon be completed “, declared Ramino Paul, for being convinced that it would ease reconciliation and the crisis´ settlement. “we might be in for quite a long wait if we expect everyone to agree “, it declared when pushing for the signature of the document. “but which one? “, do ask his peers. 

The Raiamandreny Mijoro are longing for the restoration of social peace, lower political tensions and national reconciliation prior to elections. According to law expert Honore Rakotomanana, the HAT´s electoral strategy of the HAT is not the right one. He is against the cast of local and regional elections in 2011. “mayors´ mandate may be extended either by the law or by an order “, he suggested, as holding deputies or the president to be deemed to remain the 4th Republic´s first elected figures. 

Honored Rakotomanana is thereupon equally pushing for the restoration of a serene society in political peace, as a pledged for future democratic alternation. “Which kind of election would ever grant all that without any shadow of national reconciliation? “, declared the High constitutional court´s former president. “Believe or not, could these elections be as such enforced, people will recover the streets and strike within one or two years” he added with pessimism. Misusing democratic means for the sake of granting legitimacy to a regime born from a putsch is deemed to fail.