Saturday , 4 May 2024
Political groups supportive of Andry Rajoelina, the transitional leader, are intending to sign a roadmap rejected by the opposition. The intention is likely to worsen the malagasy crisis situation. The SADC´s mission sent to Antananarivo is finding it hard to lead the conflicting parties to any common ground

The impossible deal between the opposition and the transitional power



The crisis is everything but close to any long term settlement. Not a shadow of common ground has actually been reached after several days long talks. The opposition is being angered, but the transitional regime´s military power is opposing a strict warning, for the sake of preventing any unfavorable upheaval. 


The disagreement still focuses on Marc Ravalomanana´s recovery of home soil. The SADC´s roadmap supporting the unconditional return for all politically exiled figures is definitely not to the High Authority of Transition´s liking. In the name of a pseudo national sovereignty, Andry Rajoelina and his supporters decided consequently to keep on their way on their own