Sunday , 19 May 2024
They reflect the general social unease. A demonstration of science department students took place at the capital city´s university. Students erected barricades at the campus´ gates. They are requiring their three months of unpaid scholarship. The police´s anti riot squad swiftly addressed the issue. Confrontation could not be avoided. Stones flew over from the student side. Soldiers retaliated with tear gazes and arrested a so named leader. The students are blaming a potential infiltration within their ranks. Some of this day´s most violent individuals would even not be student at all

Clashes at the University of Antananarivo

They reflect the general social unease. A demonstration of science department students took place at the capital city´s university. Students erected barricades at the campus´ gates. They are requiring their three months of unpaid scholarship. The police´s anti riot squad swiftly addressed the issue. Confrontation could not be avoided. Stones flew over from the student side. Soldiers retaliated with tear gazes and arrested a so named leader. The students are blaming a potential infiltration within their ranks. Some of this day´s most violent individuals would even not be student at all