Saturday , 4 May 2024
Negotiations do reach a climax at the eleventh hour. Omer Beriziky, the new prime minister has been talking for hours with the transitional leader, as an illustration of the current never ending process

The Opposition requiring a fair power sharing pattern within the new cabinet

A national unity government is supposed to be on track on November 17th. Marius Fransman, the South African vice Minister in charge of keeping the various political spheres connected with each other, is once again being expected in Antananarivo. One of the new prime minister´s proxies conceded earlier that political groups could possibly not find any common ground without Marius Fransman´s intervention… a clear and candid confession. The Opposition´s three political spheres are expecting to get involved into the incoming transitional government and, to this end, do require a fair power sharing pattern. The Ravalomanana sphere, the Zafy sphere and Monja Roindefo´s Monima party are longing for 50% of all positions, leaving the other half to the others groups cooperating with the transitional regime. It is obviously not the transitional leadership´s liking at all.