Tuesday , 14 May 2024
Politically exiled figures are apparently determined to recover home soil. After former President Didier Ratsiraka, Tojo Ravalomaanana, the other former president´s son, is back home as an end to a three years long exile in South Africa. The High Authority of Transition´s supportive extremists are threatening him if he does not leave.

Tojo Ravalomanana´s presence disturbs them

Tojo Ravalomanana is not the HAT´s zealous supporters´ target. Didier Ratsiraka equally remains in their sight. Even Andry Rajoelina is being blamed for being too good natured towards these politically exiled individuals.

The threat against Tojo is actually nothing but a message for Marc Ravalomanana. Although no potential return has yet been announced, the HAT and its supporters are keeping a close watch.

When Tojo Ravalomanana landed in on November 27th, a handful of Rajoelina´s supporters waved streamers with messages concerning February 07th´s shoot out which took place in front of the presidential palace and made forty casualties. Clashes between opposing supporters were scarcely prevented on the airport´s parking lot