Tuesday , 30 April 2024
The Ravalomanana sphere´s reactions are far from matching the extent of former president´ supporters´ wrath. Sphere leaders seemingly find it hard to keep in control. Scores of opponents to the ruling regime are now calling upon a withdrawal from the government. The High Authority of Transition unmistakably proved its will to thwart the implementation of the roadmap. Lalao Ravalomanana was banned from coming home after a three years long exile abroad, although she is absolutely not legally charged in anything.

No more Ravalomanana family member allowed in, their supporters are disappointed and pissed off.

Tojo Ravalomanana, the ousted president´ son was the first one of his family to recover home soil by the end of 2011, and actually the last one so far. His mother´s announced return never came true. The whole intervention which kept her away from Malagasy soil was executed once again behind Omer Beriziky´s back, national unity prime minister.

The ruling power´s transportation ministry sent a letter to the Air Link airline company, as a matter of fact a warning. The company would have to face to consequences, could choose to endorse the responsibility of flying Lalao Ravalomanana. Omer Beriziky summoned his transportation minister, Benjamina Ramanantsoa, and his general secretary who signed the threat against Air Link. Nothing else has yet followed