Tuesday , 7 May 2024
NCOs (Non Commissioned Officers) do require the income tax deducted from their wages from 2005 on to be repaid. So sounded the promise made by the High Authority of Transition in the run of its putsch in 2009. The latest cabinet meeting conceded on Tuesday, March 6th, that an error previously sneaked into the levy. The ruling power declared however that the required amount dedicated to the NCOs is not available. Military sources still report though, that substantial amounts of money were moved from the Central Bank of Madagascar, and that a certain number of foreign contractors would potentially be able to provide more of this commodity.

Soldiers gather at the CAPSAT base camp: A story enveloped in clouds

NCOs (Non Commissioned Officers) do require the income tax deducted from their wages from 2005 on to be repaid. So sounded the promise made by the High Authority of Transition in the run of its putsch in 2009. The latest cabinet meeting conceded on Tuesday, March 6th, that an error previously sneaked into the levy. The ruling power declared however that the required amount dedicated to the NCOs is not available. Military sources still report though, that substantial amounts of money were moved from the Central Bank of Madagascar, and that a certain number of foreign contractors would potentially be able to provide more of this commodity.