Sunday , 5 May 2024
Away with the BANI case. Professor Raymond Ranjeva and his daughter are free. Colonnel Charles Andrianasoavina is condemned to a life sentence of forced labor, although still being in a hospital in La Reunion. Generals Raoelina and Noel Rakotonandrasana are condemned to seven years of forced labor. The other militaries got five years of forced labor. Only one of them left the court as a free man.

BANI and FIGN, a couple of politically motivated trials in spite of the SADC‘s pressure

They are not happy at all. “So did they decide now, but tomorrow is another day” publicly warned general Noel Rakotonandrasana. General Raoelina’s daughter collapsed when the verdict was pronounced, but her father doesn’t display any evidence of despair when openly challenging “I’m top fit”.

Although displaying solidarity with the condemned officers, Raymond Ranjeva, the former judge serving at the international court in The Hague, refrained from commenting. Let us shortly recall the facts: officers gathered at the BANI base camp in November 2010 and announced the institution of a public salvation committee. During the trial, these officers declared that they have been betrayed by one of their own, general Ndriarijaona.

A letter written down by the SADC was openly read out during the trial. It was a call upon the suspension of the trial until some of the roadmap’s articles are made clear. The criminal court did not take it in account and rendered its verdict three hours later.

On March 22nd, another politically motivated trial starts. A shoot out took place in May, 2010 at the national state police’s intervention forces’ base camp (FIGN). Officers as well as parsons belonging to the Clerics’ Movement are this time around the ones to be charged