Tuesday , 7 May 2024
Fidele Razara Pierre, Free Fm radio channel’s reporter, called upon a massive demonstration to concentrate over the Place of May 13th on June 2nd. The denied access to the Place of Democracy located in Ambohijatovo happens to be a good enough incentive to recover the Place of May 13th, on which three presidents' successive rules were brought down as a result of street demonstrations.

Free Fm Radio station: protests do recover the Place of May13th!

The High Authority of Transition’s armed forces flexed muscles and dealt violently with reactionary protesters demonstrating in the street. Then, unidentified civilians took over and caused streetfights. The Free Fm channel waves point in this case at junkies signed up by transitional figures for the sake of breaking the movement. Fidele Razara Pierre and Lalatiana Rakotondrazafy are wanted by the police forces, but do keep on animating their daily program per phone line call. The channel has actually so far been criticizing the HAT for over a year. “Since we are not allowed to enter the Place of Democracy, we’ll be recovering the Place of May 13th from Saturday on!” roared Fidele on air. He added “no authorization happens to be required there; Andry Rajoelina never had to wait for an authorization to get there in 2009, had he?”. Indeed.