Saturday , 18 May 2024
During June 26th’s National Day, the armed forces were parading inside the stadium of Mahamasina while Remenabila, the leader of the dahalo keeps on mocking them in the south. Since the latest couple of weeks, hundreds of soldiers have been mobilizing in the southern part of Madagascar to track the invisible man down. The safari is everything but over but chances to find Remenabila are not that many. On June 28th, he threatened to raid the state police’s headquarters near the town of Fort Dauphin (southeast) and caused widespread panic by the same way. The war equally happens to be psychological as a matter of fact.

The gang leader Remenabila still taking the mickey out of the Malagasy army

Remenabila became the island’s most famous dahalo leader for having defeated the armed forces once and inflicted serious casualties upon the unit supposed to arrest him. It would be the leader of some hundreds of armed men. Remenabila may be famed across the island, his personality remains though a complete mystery. Independent sources argue that he would be a former soldier who became band leader when his own son was shot by zebu thieves down in the southern part’s bush

For the first time ever, a snapshot of Remenabila was published in the local press. The snapshot was granted by the National State Police. How reliable the information is cannot be clearly stated for the time being since General Randrianazary, the state police’s spokesman himself declared few weeks earlier that security forces still knew nothing about Remenabila’s genuine face.

The hundreds of soldiers in for the manhunt after Remenabila reached the village used by his men as a stronghold. The village was obviously evacuated long ago. Remenabila had anyway a couple of weeks to get a move on and leave. Apart from train and off road car travels, it takes a two days long walk to reach Iabohazo, the area in which Remenabila was located for the last time.