Monday , 20 May 2024
Two weeks and yet nearly nothing in sight. The manhunt after the dahalo militia is seemingly on the verge of failing. Critics are swarming concerning the political and military management of the issue. The government strikes back and strains to save the face whereas the Prime Minister already dropped the towel and let the military command take over. Rabefihavanana Arthur alias Remenabila, public enemy number 1 known as the Remenabila, leads the show on its own a little longer.

Operation Remenabila: the ruling power shift strategy…in for a new communication protocole

The tactical shift was rather expected on the ground somewhere in the region of Androy. Wide off the mark! This comes in Antananarivo true. The military and political headquarters are now conscious of the catastrophic image of their management of the issue and long for improving it right now. Remenabila has become some kind of Robin Hood, a heroic bad guy in the block. The political negotiations failed, and the green machine is not any better successful.

It only came a wee bit too late, didn’t it? The Prime Minister was compelled to produce a general denial. “Nobody is going to negotiate with dahalo; we merely do what it takes to capture them alive to conduct an investigation,” he declared. Negotiations actually took place for the sake of releasing civilians who were held hostage in a village. The situation has however significantly changed ever since.

The defense minister had previously produced the same speech. On the ground, the armed forces grow impatient and happen to be confused by the political confusion itself. The politically correct speech longing for the arrest of all of the armed and highly dangerous suspects so that they get trialed is everything but encouraging for soldiers risking their lives on the ground, is it?

The ruling power’s first solution to this issue is the erection of a communication cell specially dedicated to the Remenabila operation. Arthur Rabefihavanana is officially being labeled as a terrorist as well as a national threat. Boosting the civilian and military mood is the new cell’s top priority. Details concerning military operations are expected to be very much restricted.

The government blames the press as first for its “extrapolations” which would have granted the outlaws with a psychological advantage in the run of negotiations. The way Remenabila is being portrayed by the press nearly oversees his crimes, namely cattle theft and multiple homicides leading to civilian and military casualties. He was once shot at, arrested, sent behind bars and then he broke out of from the jail Farafangana just as the legendary gangsters do and resumed his dirty business.

Arthur Rabefihavanana serves as a warlord and displays extraordinary strategy making qualities without having followed any basic military training. His nickname Remenabila is related to his preference for reddish brown zebus with unusually twisted horns. The man would incidentally get supernatural powers from his great sorcerer Tokanono, namely the ability to become invisible.

Could people be finding him handling a child, it would be an illusion. An enemy trying to watch him would get dizzy … Remenabila is however not the first ever dahalo leader pretending to be bulletproof. It has actually not always been the case: the man was once wounded in the thigh. His black magic would have improved ever since. Flashy scoop for popular fantasy. Only matters the fact that people believe and fear it, including the soldiers on his heels.