Sunday , 5 May 2024
Opposition political parties are intending to renew street protests directed against the transitional ruling power. The lack of coordination has so far been plaguing the various challenging actions. Opposition members are now in search of first and foremost a charismatic leader strong enough to gather all of the efforts attempted against the ruling power. Still, there seems to be quite a long way to go

The Opposition in search of a leader

The Opposition has strategically been proving much too scattered to make a decent challenging force. Some of its members are keen on daring straight away the electoral odds, whereas some others long for putting Andry Rajoelina’s ruling power down prior to addressing any election. There is hardly enough common ground to move together in any direction forward. As a consequence, political individuality recovers the upper hand until any strong and widely accepted figurehead ever stands to lead the way. It does not take a rocket scientist to find who is pleased by and taking advantage from this oppositional weakness.