Saturday , 18 May 2024
The Special Electoral Court will definitely be reshuffled. The election of a handful of magistrates will come true on August 7th. Yet, Madagascar's Union of Magistrates rather keeps prudent. In a statement produced by Auguste Arnaud, the Union's acting president, was emphasized the paramount need to respect the "matter judged", in other words, the former Special Electoral Court's decisions.

New Special Electoral Court: the Union of Law Makers do insist on “Res Judicata”

The Union of Magistrates (SMM) did not precisely express it, although it clearly opposes any alteration to the current list of candidates presently bound to run the next Malagasy presidential race. The Union just as equally condemns the sanctions directed against the former members of the Special Electoral Court, all of them being compelled to leave their position. As a recall, the reshuffle of the Special Electoral Court was emphatically suggested by international mediators following the former Court’s acceptation of applications made by Lalao Ravalomanana, Didier Ratsiraka and Andry Rajoelina